Tuesday 11 May 2021

Little Axle Missing for 21 Hours


Today we have been doing a current events quiz and I thought this would be a cool subject to do and it was! It would be heartbreaking if one of my siblings went missing and being a parent when that happens would be totally scary. Although it happens all the time in America, it is a big deal here and a crazy story. I enjoyed researching this and reading all about it because it's super interesting. I didn't dislike anything although I found it challenging to fit everything into the one drawing and still have space for pictures. Next time to be BTB (Better Than Before) I would try to make it a bit more intriguing but other than that I think it's pretty good.


  1. Hi Bella,
    my name is Jessica I am from Otaki college. I loved reading your post and I would love to read more. you where right it was really interesting and I would love to see your other posts.

  2. Hi my name is Tereora, I go to otaki college I love your work keep it up


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