Friday 30 October 2020

Participating and contributing


This week when we got back from tech we had to do some sort of presentation about Participating and contributing, relating to others, or managing self. I chose to do participating and contributing because it looks easiest. I enjoyed choosing the background colour and I found it challenging to think of things for It sounds like. I could have been BTB (Better Than Before) by adding more writing probably.

Friday 16 October 2020

Ohau Fire News Report


This week Clara and I got to make a breaking news report about the recent Ohau fire. We had a lot of fun making it and definitely would do it again. I really enjoyed it when we had the coffee cups but then we had to give them back to Miss Farr because she had to put them in the dishwasher. I didn't like it when Clara messed up because it happened a lot!! To be BTB (Better Than Before) I could have added more information but I'm not restarting now cause that took ages.

Novel Study


For a couple of weeks now we have been reading novels in our literacy groups. My book is called My Brothers War and it's about 2 brothers who go to war but one refuses to fight and the other wants to fight. They both take very different journeys and somehow end up together. It's really good and we've been doing activities in our books. I've just finished these activities and it was quite hard. Next time to be BTB (Better Than Before) I could probably add a bit more information but otherwise, it's pretty good I think.