Wednesday 12 September 2018

The Alien Invasion


  1. Hi Bella
    This is an amazing piece of work.
    I liked how you made it sound super interesting.
    For something to think about you could add full stops at the end of your sentences.
    From Tulsi

  2. I like...the part when you introduce yourself as the director.

    Next time… you could add some more action.

    I wonder...why did you choose aliens for your animation. From Timo.

  3. Hi Timo, I chose the aliens because well it was just the first thing that came to mind and I do like aliens even though I am a girl.
    From Bella

  4. Hi Bella. I like how you introduced what jobs you had at the start. Next time I think you should make it longer and on the second page you should double it. Why did you chose that name?


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.