Thursday 7 November 2019

My enviro camp

A couple of weeks ago me and 3 other people from my school went up to Arthurs pass for 3 days and 2 nights with 13 other schools. It was an enviro camp so we did lots of outdoor activities and enviro stuff.  My favorite part was when we were holding a big signal thing and trying to track a transmitter. My group didn't actually end up finding our transmitter but we did find a longggg lost kiwi transmitter from the male kiwi Kahua that cost nearly $400. It was a lot of fun and I would definitely like to go back!!!!!

I'm the one in the bright blue raincoat!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!

    My name is Matilda and I am a blog commenter for the Summer Learning Journey this year! I’ve noticed that you haven’t done any of the activities yet. Our finish date is the 24th of January but there is still time to give it a go and start gaining some points!

    Your enviro camp sounds like so much fun! What were some other activities that you guys did? I'd love to hear about them!

    The Summer Learning Journey has heaps of activities to choose from! Here is the link. Have a look through and find some activities you like the looks of. I’m looking forward to seeing which ones you choose! (In one of the activities you get to write about a time you were brave! The photo of you blindfolded next to the tree definitely counts as something brave!)

    Remember if you have any questions all you have to do is ask!

    Can’t wait to hear from you!

    Matilda :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.