Thursday 16 May 2019

Wellington camp

As I climb I can feel my hands slipping off the plastic rocks. I am hanging backwards and clinging on for dear life. As I grab onto my rope I hear the professional rock climbers yelling out to let go of the rope and hold onto the plastic rocks. I start sweating really bad. "My arms are killing me," I think slowly. I take a big leap to get to the next plastic rock. "Go Bella, you can do this" I hear my friends shout. I concentrate hard on their words as I heave myself up to the next plastic rock as I try to build up my grip. I take another leap and find myself where the hook that you need to unhook is. I am trying to keep my grip but my hands keep slipping. I want to take a break but I think "You can do it Bella. Just remember what your friends said." I take one more go and then start thinking "I'm really tired my arms are dying and I wanna fall asleep and rest," Then all of a sudden I shout out "Could you please lower me down." "Are you sure." I hear back. "Yes, I'm positive." "If you wish." I hear again. I put my legs out and feel myself getting lowered down till I'm sitting on the floor. I stand up and while I'm unclipping the harness I say "I'm definitely going to have another shot at the overhang next time I come up to Wellington!"

This is the overhang that I climbed on. I have no pictures of me climbing it though and that's not the full overhang cause it goes higher but it was still really fun.

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