Thursday 26 September 2019

My trip to A&E

On Monday I was having a bath and I decided I wanted to hop out. I stood up and shook my foot to get the water off. Then all of a sudden my foot stabbed into the top bit of the tap* and it went in really deep. I had to pull it out and that hurt really bad. All of a sudden I started yelling and crying. Luckily it didn't bleed too much. My Mum came running in and took a while to decide what she'd do with me. Then she finally decided I should go to the hospital. The whole ride there I was crying. Then when we got there it wasn't busy so we went in about 15 mins after we arrived. The doctor gave me butterfly stitches and put some nice comfy padding on. After we left we decided it was so late that we should just get McDonald's. My foot is still really sore. The moral of this recount is to never shake your foot so hard that it could stab into the tap.

*This is my tap


  1. Hi Bella its your classmate Grace. This sounded like it really hurt i cant imagine me doing this i would still be screaming right now. How long did it take to get the butterfly stitches in? To be BTB You could tell us how it is now.

  2. wow bella sounds like it really hurts next time you could explain what you were feeling when you got butterfly stitches. I remember when i cut the side of my head open and had to get butterfly stitches but other then that good job.


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