Thursday 26 September 2019

Secrets my Mum does all day when I'm not around

We had to do a speech to present in front of the senior school. This is mine.

Secrets my Mum does all day when I’m not around.
Hi everyone, Today I’m here to talk about something horrible yet amazing. Something so rude yet so funny something so … Okay I’ll tell you… I’m talking about my Mum. My Mum, as amazing as she is, can sometimes be a bit secretive, for instance she hides her money, the TV remote and my socks!!! I mean come on guys have you ever had 2 socks go in the washing machine and only 1 come out. Some people think it’s the sock theory but not me. I just think it’s my Mum making me go to school with odd socks and getting completely embarrassed. And it’s basically a miracle finding 2 socks. Okay so first I want to talk about how my Mum sneaks into my 4 year old brother’s lollie stash. I mean come on Mum that's my job. First she waits till we are out of the house and then she attacks like a savage monkey. She leaps  into the cupboard and starts eating all the lollies. The thing is my Mum does not know that my brother loves his lolly stash so much and always eats lollies out of it just before dinner. And then when Charlie finds out that there’s none left he’s gonna throw a huge tantrum.
Trust me Mum’s gonna be sorry.
And you know another horrible thing she does, She goes shopping without me!!!! I mean that is so rude. She buys all this fancy stuff and hides it in her cupboard along with everything else that she sneaks.
And back to the TV remote, she decides she wants to take it while we are watching TV just so “ We don't lose it.” But who would expect a 4 year old, a 7 year old, a 9 year old and a 10 year old to lose a Tv remote… Oh wait never mind... And you know the absolute worst thing she does… She goes to the supermarket and spoils herself rich with junk food without ME… How could anyone forget me. But luckily my mum would never do anything like that because she’s amazing and I love her.  She does amazing things like put a roof over our head, put food on our plates and share all her love with us. Wait till next time to hear about my Dad… Now that would be a good story. Thank you for listening to the one and only Bella Masters!!!!

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